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DescriptionAgoraphobia is the fear of being in a place where assistance is not available. Agoraphobia sufferers are always afraid of the crowd or be a loner. Agoraphobia sometimes associated with other anxiety disorders, like panic disorder, or specific phobia. In case of panic disorder, agrophobia always begins at the age of twenties years. Women are more prone than men Agoraphobia.SymptomLocked myself in the house for some time, dependent on others, fear itself, fear was in place that allows no escape, and not hopeless.TreatmentMaintenance purposes is to help patients become more independent and brave. Success always depends on keakutan perwatan phobia. Systematic Desensitization is one technique used to treat phobias. Patients were asked to relax, and imagine the cause asietas, walking from place to place less frightening to most frightening. Care will be far more effective when people around helped to remove fears of the patient.