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Female Infertility

DescriptionFemale Infertility (female sterility) refers to the inability of women to get pregnant even if you had unprotected sexual intercourse and the husband is proven not experiencedinfertility. To measure a woman infertile or not it would take a year or more. If within a year or more has not been pregnant it is necessary to consult with medical experts toget the inspection. The cause of female infertility can be difficult to diagnose, but many treatments areavailable. That women can get pregnant, each of the following factors important to know:OvulationAchievement of pregnancy requires that women have regular menstrual cycles inwhich the egg is released, this process is called ovulation.Fertility husband’s spermFor most couples, this is not a problem unless the couple has a history of disease.Sexual intercourse regularlyPregnant wife for sexual relations can be carried out regularly during the fertile time. SymptomsThe main symptom of infertility is the inability of couples to get pregnant. Other symptoms, abnormal menstrual cycles that are too long (35 days or more) or too short(less than 21 days) can be a sign of female infertility.TreatmentInfertility in women can be treated, treatment depends on cause, age, and the fertilewomen. Although some women need only one or two therapies to restore fertility, it is possible that several different types of treatment may be needed before pregnancy.Care to try to restore fertility - by way of treatment or surgery - or assist inreproduction with sophisticated techniques.