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Obstructive Urophaty
Description Obstructive Uropathy occurs when urine can not flow through the ureter (the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder). Urine backs up into the kidneys and cause a swelling.Common causes of Obstructive Uropathy include: * Urinary tract stones* Tumors of the urinary tract* Retroperitoneal fibrosis* Enlarged prostate* Tumors of nearby organs* Colorectal cancer* Cervical cancer* Cervical cancer* Any cancer that spreads* Idiopathic pregnancySymptoms Uropathy obstructive grouped according to whether the influence of one or both kidneys and whether it happens suddenly or long term:* Chronic Obstructive Urophaty unilateral – Long-term uropathy that affects one kidney* Chronic Obstructive Urophaty unilateral – Long-term uropathy that affects both kidneys* Acute Unilateral Obstructive Urophaty* Acute Bilateral Obstructive UrophatySymptoms associated with Obstructive Uropathy vary, depending on whether acute or chronic obstruction, whether it is unilateral or bilateral, whether complete or partial, and what caused it.Obstructive symptoms include: * Pain waist* Urinary tract infections* Fever* Difficulty or pain when urinating* Nausea or vomiting* Renal failure* Weight loss or swelling (edema)* Decreased urine* Blood in urineTreatment Medical experts will use Nephrostomy tubes that drain urine from the kidney function.Although perawataan obstruction can be achieved without surgery, the cause of obstruction to be removed and the urinary system must be repaired.