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Fibroid Uterus


Uterine fibroids are non cancerous growth in the uterine wall. Fibroids can occur inany size from microscopic up for watermelon.

In normal conditions, fibroids in the form of rounded lumps made ​​of muscle, clusteredin the uterine wall. Fibroids usually grow very slowly in the uterine wall. They grow larger due to increased levels of estrogen, one of the female hormone.

Several conditions led to increased levels of estrogen and thereby contribute to thegrowth of fibroids. These conditions include:

• hormone replacement therapy for menopause

• oral contraceptives, or birth control pills

• pregnancy

After menopause, fibroids may shrink or disappear altogether.


Most women do not have symptoms of uterine fibroids. Symptoms depend on thenumber, size, and location of fibroids. Some common symptoms include:

• prolonged menstruation

• Anemia, low red blood cell count

• bleeding between periods

• dyspareunia, or painful sexual intercourse

• frequent urination, caused by pressure on the bladder tumor

• pain or pressure in lower abdomen or lower back


This condition sometimes requires no treatment. Sometimes, the drug used to shrink the tumor by reducing estrogen levels in the blood. Treatment is only a temporary solution, because fibroids grow back when treatment is stopped.